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Balthis 12.04.2013 10:04

Action Tokens
Action Tokens dissapears after using buffs or toggles. (Only the icon over the head)

See the video


iqman 16.04.2013 18:31

Here please give me not a video but something to read.

Balthis 16.04.2013 18:38

These are the tokens


When you add a token to one of your party member an icon appears over his head.
If they use a self buff or toggle the icon disappears. Also if i buff him.

It's like the token abnormal is not being sent again or is being overridden with another abnormal status. Well that is what i think...

iqman 09.05.2013 21:43

Well we've checked at the official, it's client side bug that exists also in the official server.
Yet you can find ur target even if the visual sign dissapears.

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