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-   -   Autoattack Skills (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3070)

Balthis 20.04.2013 13:04

Autoattack Skills
There is a problem with auto attack skills.

If i use an auto attack (nextaction = "attack") skill and i press the skill just 1 time the character keep hitting.
But if i press the skill multiple times the character stop hitting after the skill finish.

A simple way to reproduce this is to put "Mega Strike" skill (ID: 10260) in the skills bar (F1) and keep the button pressed when doing the attack.

Here is a video showing the bug.


iqman 24.04.2013 15:53

Please test with proper geodata. If no geodata used char may go "into" the mob and make the target for both sides invisible.

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