L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   Damage Text[CORE] (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3089)

Balthis 25.04.2013 04:49

Damage Text[CORE]

As we talked in skype, i checked in asima that is the same system folder and there is working ok.

It's not client side.

Balthis 11.05.2013 02:51

No updates with this ?

iqman 11.05.2013 03:23

not yet .

iqman 18.05.2013 22:19

Перевод: Не верная расцветка дамага на экране (проблема на сервере а не в клиенте)
Видео: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7vJOnlWWyg

iqman 29.05.2013 19:24

this one, I need you to do something.
do it in this form:
l2-scripts crit = blue ; asima crit = yellow (for example)

Balthis 30.05.2013 08:06

- Damage Done
L2script - Green
Asima - White

- Damage Received
L2Script - Green and Red (Both)
Asima - Only Red

- Hp regeneration (NOT HEAL, WITH HEAL IS OK)
L2Scripts - Green
Asima - Nothing

- CP regeneration (NOT HEAL, WITH HEAL IS OK)
L2Scripts - Green
Asima - Nothing

- MP Regeneration (NOT HEAL, WITH HEAL IS OK)
L2Scripts - Blue
Asima - Nothing

Balthis 04.06.2013 07:15

I have to add another missing Message.

When the target has a damage over time debuff, for example mark of weakness (11259) the white damage message should appears. In l2script there is no message

iqman 04.06.2013 18:28

message or visual massage?

Balthis 04.06.2013 19:46

White visual message over the target.


iqman 15.07.2013 16:50

Закрыто, более не актуально.

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