L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   Infinite Quivers and Bolds[iqman] (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3157)

Balthis 02.05.2013 09:46

Infinite Quivers and Bolds[iqman]
Item id 32249 to 32262.

This items are infinite arrows and bolts, it's like an arrow/bolt without being consumed, tested in L2OFF.


iqman 09.05.2013 23:21

You gave us ID for weapons not for arrows or bolts, recheck ur post.

Balthis 11.05.2013 22:42

Sorry ids updated

32249 to 32262

iqman 14.05.2013 17:52

test by my self, those items are inifnitive, set them at ur paperdoll!

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