L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   instance 112 Disciples Necropolis (Past) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3235)

kenshin 16.05.2013 12:30

instance 112 Disciples Necropolis (Past)
Вложений: 1
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "instances.dtd">
<!-- SSQ Necropolis -->
<instance id="112" name="Disciples Necropolis (Past)" maxChannels="20" collapseIfEmpty="10" timelimit="60" dispelBuffs="false">
<collapse on-party-dismiss="true" timer="60"/>
<level min="79" max="99"/>
<party min="1" max="1"/>
<return loc="171864 -17480 -4896"/>
<teleport loc="-89560 215784 -7488"/>
<remove itemId="0" count="0" necessary="false"/>
<give itemId="0" count="0"/>

Need to replace return loc from 171864 -17480 -4896 to 169096 -18184 -3181 because with loc: 171864 -17480 -4896 you will get geo error

iqman 16.05.2013 18:45

fixed tnx.

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