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Balthis 31.05.2013 06:49

Party Solidarity[iqman/core]

It was moved to archive and is not fixed.
Lvl 2 and lvl 3 is not working



iqman 02.06.2013 09:38

it was moved by a mistake I'm sorry.
Anyways level 1 is working?!
I didn't find this future at all in the pack (except the skill)

Balthis 02.06.2013 10:40

Level 1 is working.

iqman 02.06.2013 15:13

But I cannot find that this skill can be somehow obtained =/ tell me how, it's really strange that u say it's working and I cannot find it's realization in data pack or core side.

iqman 12.06.2013 00:15

Done, need detailed test.

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