L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   [core] plunder (FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3659)

kenshin 06.07.2013 23:17

[core] plunder (FIXED)

Steals an item from the enemy
skill id 10548
when mob has "Spoiled" in color blue, dont auto get item in chance SWEEP

iqman 07.07.2013 12:08

I don't think you should auto-get the item, do you have more info about this skill?

kenshin 07.07.2013 12:09


Сообщение от iqman (Сообщение 10656)
I don't think you should auto-get the item, do you have more info about this skill?

i can show u one clip in NC, just w8 me

iqman 07.07.2013 12:10

Sure, waiting.

Core 14.07.2013 18:50

Fixed. Closed.

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