L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   Fortuna (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3746)

kenshin 01.08.2013 11:14

info : http://l2wiki.com/Fortuna
have 9 stage, but now only have 6 stage + 1 stage bonus and time end

iqman 08.08.2013 00:32

Retest, tested was 9 stages + 1 bonus stage.

kenshin 11.08.2013 12:36


Сообщение от iqman (Сообщение 10978)
Retest, tested was 9 stages + 1 bonus stage.

i had remade again instance fortuna, when boss Enraged Master Kinen dead, had 1 min instance closed and all teleported outside


kenshin 27.08.2013 07:34

2 week passed, still dont have any info for me ?

iqman 26.09.2013 20:58

Will retest it after festival of chaos is ready.

iqman 17.02.2014 03:07

Closed, will be rework in this month.

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