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-   -   [HELP] Game server lag. Serious problem. [HELP] (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3780)

kenshin 18.08.2013 22:26

[HELP] Game server lag. Serious problem. [HELP]
Вложений: 3
We got serious problem with game server.
When we start server, everything are ok. but when the server reach about 200 - 300 player it starting lag.
We have tried to find the hardware and network problem but no see any problem with it. We also change the hardware to improve performance like CPU and SSD disk but we still got lag sometimes.
Please help to check the code of GS to see is there any process eat hardware performance.
Currently we just run: Gameserver, AuthenServer and l2 Database on our machine.

These are our htop monitor when normal run:

and when we got 260 player:

Please help to check as soon as possible as our player has left our server!

Many thanks!

Core 19.08.2013 04:13

Server revision date?

kenshin 19.08.2013 07:56

Hi Core,
[05:00:44] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2s [7580]

Core 19.08.2013 14:47

Build date?

kenshin 19.08.2013 19:55

Hi Core,

[05:00:44] INFO =================================================
[05:00:44] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2s [7580]
[05:00:44] INFO Build Revision: .......... 1546
[05:00:44] INFO Update: .................. Chapter 2: Glory Days
[05:00:44] INFO Build date: .............. 2013.07.31 19:32
[05:00:44] INFO Compiler version: ........ 1.7.0_25-b17 (Oracle Corporation)
[05:00:44] INFO =================================================

l2gold 19.08.2013 23:35

у меня тоже лаги бывают, только не могу выцепть когда и что смотреть куда капать

думал интернет лаганутый - нет, норм,
или HDD посссыпался в рейде, ночью проверял - тоже норм.
сайт само собой на отдельной тачке, ддоса нет

Core 20.08.2013 14:30

Hoang, What revision server you were okay?

iqman 02.09.2013 16:42

Dublicate, already OK

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