L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   [CORE]DUAL CLASS RESET dont give back chaos pomander (FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3898)

boulanger 14.10.2013 21:15

[CORE]DUAL CLASS RESET dont give back chaos pomander (FIXED)
dual class reset should give back 2 chaos pomander for dual class, now it doesent.

also , kamael class cannot reset dual class.

37374 Chaos Pomander a,Use it to learn the revelation skill through the 'Monk of Chaos' at the Tomb of Soul.\0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 1

iqman 20.10.2013 17:22

Got it .

Core 05.11.2013 18:27

Fixed. Closed.

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