L2-scripts Форум

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-   Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=103)
-   -   [CORE] Disable LOGS option (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=4149)

boulanger 02.02.2014 03:11

[CORE] Disable LOGS option
Please add options to disable enchant logs, item logs , in 3-4 days i have 300-400 mb log files and it only consumes server resources and network resource, greatly increases traffic and data write/read cycles of hdd.


iqman 06.02.2014 03:11

added global logging config at server.properties

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