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-   -   [CORE] M evasion / M accuracy too high for fighter (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=4281)

boulanger 20.03.2014 16:59

[CORE] M evasion / M accuracy too high for fighter
[19.03.14 23:40:37:207] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[19.03.14 23:40:37:257] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [10629]
[19.03.14 23:40:37:260] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build Revision: .......... 'F:\tools' doesn't exist
[19.03.14 23:40:37:262] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Update: .................. Chapter 3: Lindvior
[19.03.14 23:40:37:263] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2014.03.14 02:27
[19.03.14 23:40:37:263] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ 23.21-b01 (Oracle Corporation)
[19.03.14 23:40:37:263] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[19.03.14 23:40:37:638] INFO gameserver.Config: Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words.

Fighters have too big m evasion m accuracy, for exemple now feoh misses on dagger 8/10 skills.

mages are starting to dissapear from server, with people, plz fix this urgently.

now a fighter class has only -10 pts less m evasion then a mage. it is ridiculous.

Core 20.03.2014 18:00

Как возможно 8 из 10? Если МИНИМАЛЬНЫЙ ШАНС ПРОМАХА 72.5% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Требую чтобы вы обновились и сняли видео в доказательство. Я протестировал, ошибки не обнаружил.

iqman 25.03.2014 22:40

Closed, no need to panic, server updated.

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