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-   -   [CORE] Activate rate BUGGED (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=4294)

boulanger 26.03.2014 13:09

[CORE] Activate rate BUGGED
revision: Lindvior 10629

Activate rate seams bugged in skills, if i put activate rate to a debuff, debuff NEVER LANDS! if i delete activate rate, debuff ALWAYS LANDS.

so now we cannot set activation / chance rate for debuffs, exemple

if i add this to the below skills , it will never Land


<table name="#chance"> 60 65 70 75 </table>
                <set name="activateRate" value="#chance"/>


<skill id="10546" levels="4" name="Uppercut">
                <table name="#magicLevel">89 92 95 98</table>
                <table name="#abnormal_level">1 2 3 4</table>
                <table name="#reuseDelay">30000</table>
                <set name="reuseDelay" value="#reuseDelay"/>
                <set name="coolTime" value="300"/>
                <set name="hitTime" value="1799"/>
                <set name="abnormal_effect" value="KNOCKDOWN"/>
                <set name="abnormal_time" value="2"/>
                <set name="abnormal_level" value="#abnormal_level"/>
                <set name="abnormal_type" value="knockdown"/>
                <set name="magicLevel" value="#magicLevel"/>
                <set name="icon" value="icon.skill10546"/>
                <table name="#mpConsume2">40 43 45 47</table>
                <set name="power" value="1000"/>
                <set name="mpConsume2" value="#mpConsume2"/>
                <set name="skillType" value="DEBUFF"/>
                <set name="trait" value="DERANGEMENT"/>
                <set name="target" value="TARGET_ONE"/>
                <set name="operateType" value="OP_ACTIVE"/>
        <set name="activateRate" value="#chance"/>
        <table name="#chance"> 70 75 80 85 </table>
                <set name="flyRadius" value="50"/>
                <cond msgId="113" addName="1">
                        <using kind="Dagger,Dual Dagger"/>
                <enchant type="1" levels="10" group="7" name="Cost">
                        <table name="#mpConsume2">45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 30 28</table>
                        <table name="#magicLevel">99</table>
                <enchant type="9" name="Recycle">
                        <table name="#magicLevel">99</table>
                        <table name="#reuseDelay">29000 28000 27000 26000 25000 24000 23000 22000 21000 21000</table>
                        <effect name="KnockDown"/>

iqman 02.04.2014 00:16

Activate rate is the BASE chance, the player can have 100% resist of that debuff for the matter. if you want it to be 100% --> you have the ignore <set name="ignoreResists" value="true"/> closed.

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