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-   -   [CORE] ZRanger user in tvt (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=4314)

boulanger 01.04.2014 08:11

[CORE] ZRanger user in tvt
[31.03.14 21:40:01:153] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[31.03.14 21:40:01:156] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [10629]
[31.03.14 21:40:01:156] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build Revision: .......... 'F:\tools' doesn't exist
[31.03.14 21:40:01:156] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Update: .................. Chapter 3: Lindvior
[31.03.14 21:40:01:156] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2014.03.30 20:58
[31.03.14 21:40:01:156] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ 24.51-b03 (Oracle Corporation)

Seams antibot is not able to block zrannger, this will be a big problem in the future, zranger is a software that allows bot type pvp. a user can easily log unlimited chars, make party alone and pvp

this is what 2 lines can do
L CharFunctor 1 (isdetect and distance >= 200 and distance <= 600)
+R charsFind(1) : Select (lastFound) > Cast $RushImpact

no human is capable to do so many rush impact in so low time and changing target this fast, this is impossible



please find a way to block this application, is the worst thing for lineage 2 server.

also i got a mail from a retail player who said he successfully used zranger on the server, and also sells scripts for it saying

"My friend recommends you to:
1. Try obfuscation
2. Maybe make MD5 Checksum packet and send to the authentication server (login server) about the DLL to make sure it isn't modified.
3. If you can, make a check from important threads located in L2.exe about if your DLL is still alive.
4. If you'd like additional information about this, my friend can make more investigations/answer to your questions by asking them to me, I will ask him.

iqman 01.04.2014 23:38

Nobody can block Zranger, it's a common program that you can't get rid of her..no lameguard no nothing will block you this 3rd party program.

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