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-   -   [CORE] SHIELD BLOCK NOT WORKING from behind / p evasion/p accuracry rate (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=4318)

boulanger 01.04.2014 20:43

[CORE] SHIELD BLOCK NOT WORKING from behind / p evasion/p accuracry rate
lindvior 10269 release, build: 30 march 2014

SHield defense not working from behind on this release , shield defense only works 180 degrees. if character is behind, no shield defense. THIS HAPPENS ONLY WITH SIEGEL KNIGHT CLASS!

also the rate of p.evasion/p. accuracy is too high, for ex dagger evades too many hits

tyrr 99 with 206 p. accuracy vs othell fortune seeker 99 with 225 p.evasion = 3 evade from attacks of tyrr with 50 hits
othell with shadow dash (+10 p. evasion) = 15 hits evaded from attacks of tyrr with total 25 hits

when tyrr hits othell from behind the rogue evade more (like 15 evades out of 50), i don't understand this one though

this is video from retail how it should work

on video: attack from behind (tank auto hit dagger):
5 evades out of 84 hits
attack from front:
17 evades out of 67 hits

p.evasion of dagger: 176
p.accuracy of tank: 148


iqman 07.04.2014 00:21

Shield block is fixed, well please do not post more than 1 theme in one thread. tnx!

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