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boulanger 06.04.2014 12:08

lindvior 10269 build 04 04 2014

hello i have a big problem
in formulas these settings for fighter classes reduce critical damage of SKILLS also, wich makes critical damage be less then normal skill damage wich is wrong...
pCritModifierSigelPhoenixKnightChance = 1.0 for exemple, should reduce NORMAL HIT CRITICAL DAMAGE< not skills critical damage, because the skills are always 2x for fighters, and critical damage is not added to them.

please add this fast so class balancing is possible.

boulanger 06.04.2014 13:33

i think best solution would be to add new configs for each class that influence only CRITICAL DAMAGE ON SKILL, and old configs with critical damage to not influence skill damage (except mages they do not need since all skills are influenced by crit damage as now, good).

because dagger critical damage is added to skill now blows ( as it should, working good) , so cant have both in 1 setting.

or you except from this rules all mages/healers/summoners + dagger class.

iqman 06.04.2014 23:54

#Like above but only for normal hits (NO SKILLS)
pCritModifierSigelFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierOthelFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierYrArcherFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierSigelPhoenixFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierSigelHellKnightFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierSigelEvasTemplarFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierSigelShillenTemplarFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrDuelistFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrDreadnoughtFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrTitanFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrGrandKhavatariFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrMaestroFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierTyrDoombridgerFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierOthelAdventurerFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierOthelWindriderFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierOthelGhostHunterFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierOthelFortuneseekerFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierYurSagitariusFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierYurMoonLightSentinelFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierYurGhostSentinelFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierYurTricksterFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierFeohSoulHoundFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierIssDominatorFizOnly = 1.0
pCritModifierIssDoomCryerFizOnly = 1.0


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