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Spidee 05.11.2014 12:07

Events - TvT ....

need rework events [2] Team_VS_Team.xml, [4] Team_Capture_The_Flag.xml ... all in data\events\fight_club

1. When set reward item, it is every time wrote Festival Adena on screen and not name of item what I set.

2. When TvT end not teleport players back.

3. Event AFK Mode really spamming and nothing doing, I can kill afk player and get kill, it is useless. It is possible to cancel AFK mod completely?

4. Dualbox protection missing.

Spidee 17.11.2014 02:24

Any news? :rolleyes:

Spidee 25.11.2014 13:31

Elapsed 20 days

iqman 11.12.2014 18:22

1. added reward set items to xmls
2. I didn't get any updates on that, thought problem gone.
3. yes you can disable this command from configs.
4. dual protection isn't missing use TvT_CheckWindowMethod in events.propeterties


iqman 11.12.2014 18:23

Plus if you use our protection we don't support hwid in HF. use lameguard to get HWID.

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