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-   -   [core] [Ertheia] Karma does not count when PK (FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=4899)

nemchua 27.11.2014 07:00

[core] [Ertheia] Karma does not count when PK (FIXED)
1.INFO Project Revision: ........ L2s [13617]
INFO Build Revision: .......... 3808
INFO Update: .................. Epic Tale of Aden: Ertheia
INFO Build date: .............. 2014.11.25 12:12
INFO Compiler version: ........ 24.51-b03 (Oracle Corporation)

This formula: Karma = MinKarma * Pk * penalty_duration_increase ==> does not work when you pk 2 or more players . Seem like the file pc_karma_increase_data.xml does not load.
Check and fix please

Core 24.12.2014 01:02

Fixed. Closed.

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