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-   -   powerstrike overpowered (FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=5803)

archonus 29.08.2015 21:56

powerstrike overpowered (FIXED)
Elven fighter level 3
normal hit = damage 9
powestrike level 1 = damage 126


Core 29.08.2015 22:07

You know about "Over-hit!"???

archonus 29.08.2015 22:23


Сообщение от Core (Сообщение 17245)
You know about "Over-hit!"???

Yes but it happens very often, try it

archonus 30.08.2015 02:01

same damage without overhit, its a bug
tried the same on official, using powerstrike overhit is half of that damage and normal damage of the skill much less


Core 30.08.2015 03:43

In formulas.properties change to DamageX2OnAllCharges = False
Fixed. Closed.

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