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archonus 20.08.2016 05:25

clan reputation (FIXED)
clans are not getting reputation points when their members level up, please check this system becouse have some clans level 3 without reputation score and they cant war another clan without them.


[18.08.16 10:13:57:616] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[18.08.16 10:13:57:618] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [21721]
[18.08.16 10:13:57:618] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build Revision: .......... 8969
[18.08.16 10:13:57:618] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Update: .................. Classic 1.5
[18.08.16 10:13:57:619] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2016.08.16 00:33
[18.08.16 10:13:57:619] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_101-b13 (Oracle Corporation)
[18.08.16 10:13:57:619] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================

archonus 20.08.2016 23:05

i also tried adding 500 reputation_score to clan_data but doesnt show in game

Core 01.09.2016 02:20

Try use command //pledge addrep 10

archonus 01.09.2016 16:40


Сообщение от Core (Сообщение 21512)
Try use command //pledge addrep 10

Thanks! it works :)

archonus 02.09.2016 02:53

Вложений: 1
Ok, we add 3000 clan rep points at 2 Clans lvl 3.
Clan "A" has 27 members
Clan "B" has 23 members

When they try to declare a war between them, this message apears:

archonus 05.09.2016 16:44

clan can get reputation points only in 2 ways :
1) members of clans level up
2) war other clan and kill members of other clan
requerimient: clan must be level 3 or more

1.3.1. Only clans of 3 level or more can acquire clan reputation points when clan members get new level of their

player level up range reputation points reward

20-25------ 2 rep points
26-30------ 4 rep points
31-35 ------6 rep points
36-40------ 8 rep points
41-45 -----10 rep points
46-50 -----12 rep points
51-55 -----14 rep points
56-60 -----16 rep points
61-65 -----18 rep points
66-70 -----21 rep points
71-75 -----25 rep points

on war :
if you kill a player of other clan in war , your clan gets 1 reputation point
if a player of your clan gets killed in war, your clann loss 1 reputation point

source : http://ftp.inn.eu/forum/l2/Amarantha/cl15/L2CEUpn.pdf

archonus 05.09.2016 16:56

Please also check Wars, in 1.5 is changed and in current build is not working.

1.2.1. Clan war requirements:
Clan must be 3
level or more
Clan must have 15 members or more
1.2.2. Penalty of 500 Clan Reputation Points applied if clan decide to stop clan war
A single clan can decla
re war on up to
other clans at the same time. There no limit on how many
declarations a single clan can receive

more details on the pdf

Core 05.09.2016 18:01

Fixed. Closed.

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