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-   -   Ultimate Defense with problem(FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=7406)

maxsyt 18.01.2017 23:28

Ultimate Defense with problem(FIXED)
[16.01.17 17:09:34:053] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[16.01.17 17:09:34:053] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [21011]
[16.01.17 17:09:34:053] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build Revision: .......... 9582
[16.01.17 17:09:34:053] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Update: .................. Classic 1.0
[16.01.17 17:09:34:053] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2017.01.06 22:42
[16.01.17 17:09:34:053] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_111-b14 (Oracle Corporation)

The Ultimate Defense (UD) skill is bugging the attack range. After activating the UD, the range in it is bugged making it impossible to reach the nearby enemies with basic attack, however the attack skills work normally.

The problem is actually the range of mobs that is too high. Impossible for a char to attack it with you. You have to correct the range of mobs it solves there ...

Datapack 22.05.2018 23:07

tested , bug not found, in ud I attack mobs normal

Core 02.06.2018 04:06

Fixed 05.11.2017. Closed.

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