L2-scripts Форум

L2-scripts Форум (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/index.php)
-   Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=103)
-   -   In search of the eye of argos(FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=8418)

Cristobal 17.02.2018 02:48

In search of the eye of argos(FIXED)
[14:23:55] INFO =================================================
[14:23:55] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2s [33211]
[14:23:55] INFO Build Revision: .......... 12594
[14:23:55] INFO Update: .................. Grand Crusade
[14:23:55] INFO Build date: .............. 2018.02.02 03:44
[14:23:55] INFO Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_161-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
[14:23:55] INFO =================================================

4. Describe how it should work in the official server.
LINK: https://youtu.be/NVVWIP41sh0?t=989 16:30
Finish the quest and give the reward

5. Describe how it is working right now on our server.
When conversing with the npc does not end the quest, and does not deliver the reward.


Datapack 01.05.2018 19:04

fixed .

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