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Поиск: Сообщения от: Hades
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 29.05.2014, 07:21
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 6,112
Автор Hades
Community Buffer ERROR


I am geting these error message in Community Buffer.

[19:09:22] ERROR Bad RequestBypassToServer:...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 01.04.2014, 06:06
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 4,783
Автор Hades
(DATA) Campains Working?


Are the campains working?

I never see any campaing running in you server...


Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 01.04.2014, 06:01
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 4,991
Автор Hades
(Core) Can not DESTROY item


Every time i try to delete an item apear the CRYSTALIZATION screen.

Please, fix the DESTROY item button.

Thank you!
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 31.03.2014, 17:36
Ответов: 13
Просмотров: 11,760
Автор Hades
Any news about this problem? My players ask...

Any news about this problem?

My players ask for this every day.
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 31.03.2014, 01:46
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,109
Автор Hades
(Core) Dual Class (Can not get Awakened)


The dual class should be able to reawaken in level 85.

I am geting this error.

Please, verify this.

Thank you!
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 29.03.2014, 13:58
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 4,790
Автор Hades
Thank you! This options had no info above...

Thank you!

This options had no info above it. So i did not know was that.
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 29.03.2014, 06:24
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,715
Автор Hades
Восклицание [core] (DATA/CORE) Wrong Colision Height (ORC) (FIXED)


The orc fighters are with wrong "colision height" when they get SUBCLASS.

When in main class, ok. But when change to subclass the FOOT stay BELOW grond.

I can see that in:
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 29.03.2014, 06:06
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 4,790
Автор Hades
Восклицание Olympiad start


How many people are needed to start?

I could not find in configs the option to change the MINIMAL players to start olympiad.
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 26.03.2014, 20:21
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,702
Автор Hades
Delete this post. Somehow, i restarted all...

Delete this post.

Somehow, i restarted all quest and worked now.

All OK!
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 26.03.2014, 18:23
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,702
Автор Hades
(DATA) Subclass Quest Bug (FIXED)


There is a problem in the subclass quest:


When you talk with "wesley" and he send you to "DesertedDwarvenHouse". The NPC "DesertedDwarvenHouse = 33788" is not...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 26.03.2014, 16:30
Ответов: 13
Просмотров: 11,760
Автор Hades
Here goes the MOVIE. Just download this...

Here goes the MOVIE.

Just download this file:

Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 26.03.2014, 14:29
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,951
Автор Hades
(Core) Character Selection Status (Still with problem)


The old topic was closed, but the character selection status continues with problem. It is probably wrong SERVER PACKET


Старая тема была закрыта, но статус выбора персонажа...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 26.03.2014, 14:20
Ответов: 13
Просмотров: 11,760
Автор Hades
Man, if i am saying it is bugged, it is! I am not...

Man, if i am saying it is bugged, it is! I am not that fool.

I tryed all ways.

At last try to see by yourself.

It is not only the dwaft AI. It is ALL anymation.

Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 25.03.2014, 06:10
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,497
Автор Hades
Восклицание Error Gameserver


I got this message in my gameserver window:


Я получил это сообщение в моем окне Gameserver:
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 23.03.2014, 17:45
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,565
Автор Hades
[core] Dimensional Item (FIXED)

Man, you closed topic.

It is BUG, yes.

We take all itens from dimensional. But when we log in ALL (i repeat, ALL) itens are back in there.

I saw in SQL "character_premium_itens" that the...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 23.03.2014, 08:16
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 2,997
Автор Hades
I am with this same problem. I receive the...

I am with this same problem.

I receive the itens in Dimensional Merchant, but after the LOGIN the itens are all there....again.

Я с этой же проблемой.

Я получаю itens в Dimensional...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 22.03.2014, 17:07
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 4,245
Автор Hades
I updated yesterday and the problem still...

I updated yesterday and the problem still remains.

Я обновил вчера и проблема все еще остается.


[22.03.14 09:02:24:348] INFO gameserver.GameServer:...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 21.03.2014, 16:40
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 6,335
Автор Hades
Hi! I dont this file in my folder. ...


I dont this file in my folder.


Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 23:57
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 6,335
Автор Hades
Inside folder "itens" we have only the info about...

Inside folder "itens" we have only the info about the PACKS and we can edit the PACK itself.

But, where can i edit in what LEVEL the player will auto get this BOX in their inventary?

Or it is...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 06:15
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 6,335
Автор Hades
Вопрос "Armor / Weapons" Pack


Where can i edit the itens we earn while we raise the level? (armor and weapons PACKS)

I would like to change the level and itens that the player get.

Thank you!
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 05:13
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 2,868
Автор Hades
Вопрос [core] "RED Mob" with no XP / SP (NOT BUG)


My players are not earning XP and SP when killing monster with higher level than them.

When killing monster with "DARK RED" color they earn no XP and SP.

Only when killing monster with...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 03:15
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 4,245
Автор Hades
Sorry, but how can i update? I am already...

Sorry, but how can i update?

I am already with rev 10629.

Is there any new rev?

Thank you!
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 02:14
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 2,820
Автор Hades
Восклицание [core] Museum Character Statues (NOT BUG)


Sorry, but i can not find the place of ranking "Museum Statues".

This surely is working, right?

Thank you!

Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 01:16
Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 5,848
Автор Hades
HWID System Not Working


I would like to know if the HWID system will be working in next rev. Actualy it only get IP.

Thank you!

Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade 20.03.2014, 01:00
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 6,026
Автор Hades

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