Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
13.04.2015, 16:41
Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 6,223
NPC and gai_NPC folder
what the difference between npc folder and gai_npc folder?
i try to change some monsters EXP and SP,but found whatever i changed NPC folder xml or gai_npc folder xml,the monster's EXP and SP...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
12.04.2015, 18:56
Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 7,324
Re-awakening class skill problem (NO BUG)
[28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [14208]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
12.04.2015, 18:54
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,020
Teredor Instance still not works.
[28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [14208]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
12.04.2015, 18:47
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 6,267
Skill BUG. (FIXED)
[28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [14208]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
12.04.2015, 18:45
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 8,166
LvL 85,90,95 Instance bug (NOT BUG)
[28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [14208]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
12.04.2015, 18:44
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 7,627
Frintezza Instance Bug (NOT RELEVANT)
[28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [14208]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
03.04.2015, 16:15
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 5,555
[Bug Report]---Isthina instance problem
[QUOTE=sandeagle;15721][28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision:...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
03.04.2015, 06:54
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 5,555
[Bugz report] (FIXED)
[28.03.15 12:54:18:892] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[28.03.15 12:54:18:904] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [14208]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
13.10.2014, 21:01
Ответов: 9
Просмотров: 4,583
rly thx...i will try it...
rly thx...i will try it...
BTW,this 27400-27499.xml is the new version...if we use the old one,maybe some other stuff will lose...so better to wait the new updates.IMHO
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
13.10.2014, 06:48
Ответов: 9
Просмотров: 4,583
[Lindvior]Awakening Quest Bugged
[12.10.14 16:46:15:628] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[12.10.14 16:46:15:630] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [12614]...
Раздел: Archive Lindvior, Ertheia, Odyssey, Undergeround, Helios, Grand Crusade
18.09.2014, 10:21
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 6,751
[help]CB Buffer dont works
[18.09.14 13:13:40:849] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[18.09.14 13:13:40:851] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [12380]...