Bug report moved to the new portal: Mmore.club
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Skype: Urchika

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Поиск: Сообщения от: verdant
Раздел: Archive High Five 01.10.2014, 20:12
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 8,808
Автор verdant

u menya v cb bil clan vot link http://imgur.com/wxdzdks ,,,,,,, no posle update netu ne nashol ne vkonfigax ne gde ! http://imgur.com/gHlHvAh ......... i isho gde izmenit knight epaluette drop i...
Раздел: Archive High Five 30.09.2014, 13:20
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 8,240
Автор verdant

#If enable logging may be really harsh on your HD from 1k online
DisableLogging = False, BUT LOG IS EMPTY
Раздел: Archive High Five 29.09.2014, 19:50
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 8,402
Автор verdant

on my server the same events begins in same time (ctf,tvt,lh) in confings is only one events, i'm enalbed events in //admin >events tvt ctf and last hero i like it but cann't disable old events help...
Раздел: Archive High Five 28.09.2014, 08:02
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 8,413
Автор verdant

i can't find "_cbbsquestmain 0",otkril script no ne nashol knonibudi mojet skazat gde on!!! ia xochu izmenit evo ............. i can"t find "_cbbsquestmain 0", in scripts i could not find it, please...
Раздел: Archive High Five 16.09.2014, 23:42
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 8,283
Автор verdant
a Problem please help

we have bought hi-5 client from l2-scripts.ru and we found a problem there please help here is the screens
Greater Ring of Baium and normal ring of baium has same stats also Greater Ring of Queen...
Раздел: Archive High Five 16.09.2014, 22:13
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 8,553
Автор verdant
a Problem please help

we have bought hi-5 client from l2-scripts.ru and we found a problem there please help here is the screens
Greater Ring of Baium and normal ring of baium has same stats also Greater Ring of Queen...
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