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Поиск: Сообщения от: Siqma
Раздел: Archive Classic 04.12.2017, 03:07
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 4,485
Автор Siqma
solution found in previous topics, you can close.

solution found in previous topics, you can close.
Раздел: Archive Classic 04.12.2017, 02:37
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 4,488
Автор Siqma
Missing quests from Daily Mission (FIXED)

- 27205

- Classic 2.5 Zaken

These 2 quests are missing from the daily missions:
Раздел: Archive Classic 02.12.2017, 19:05
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 2,679
Автор Siqma
Bugged 3rd class quests!(FIXED)

- 26360

- Classic Zaken 2.5

1) Saga of the Hell Knight - https://l2wiki.com/classic/Saga_of_the_Hell_Knight
on chapter 17. Hallete rb should spawn so you can kill him - right now it doesn't...
Раздел: Archive Classic 02.12.2017, 05:52
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 4,963
Автор Siqma
Cubics are out of sync (FIXED)

- 26360

- Classic Zaken 2.5

Storm, Life, Vampiric cubic are out of sync. This means that if you have Storm cubic and you are attacking someone, you will see the damage in the system before the...
Раздел: Archive Classic 02.12.2017, 04:47
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 4,485
Автор Siqma
Hide (FIXED)

- 26360

- Classic Zaken 2.5

skill ID: 922
l2scripts: it dispels when any action is taken
official: it dispels only when you receive damage, use potion or if you cast offensive spells to the...
Раздел: Archive Classic 02.12.2017, 04:32
Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 2,373
Автор Siqma
Pathfinding error - important!(CLOSED)

You can close the topic, solution was found
Раздел: Archive Classic 15.10.2017, 21:06
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 4,565
Автор Siqma
I can use explosion even though the icon is dark....

I can use explosion even though the icon is dark. That is the point.
Раздел: Archive Classic 15.10.2017, 13:15
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 4,565
Автор Siqma
All vortex skills(NOT BUG)

- 25721

- Classic 2.5

l2scripts: After you successfully casted Fire Vortex, and then Fire Vortex Buster, you will see the icon of the Buster is still dark, making it look like the spell is...
Раздел: Archive Classic 14.10.2017, 18:39
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 4,356
Автор Siqma
Ant Queen behavior(FIXED)

- 25721

- Classic 1.5 2.0 2.5

l2scripts: Ant Queen is attacking with normal hits

official: Ant Queen is only casting mass slow and mass poison
Раздел: Archive Classic 14.10.2017, 14:55
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 6,567
Автор Siqma
Siege Golem and Wild Hog (FIXED)

- 25721

- Classic 2.5

When you summon Siege Golem and Wild Hog, you can bring them outside of the siege zone, even to town.

official: they should disappear if they move out of the siege zone
Раздел: Archive Classic 30.09.2017, 12:19
Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 11,088
Автор Siqma
I dont understand why do you post this? you can...

I dont understand why do you post this? you can increase those statistics yourself
Раздел: Archive Classic 09.09.2017, 17:07
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 9,743
Автор Siqma
Cloak of Light/Darkness (FIXED)

- 25721

- Classic 2.5

- Only members of the clan that hold Aden castle should be able to buy Cloak of Light or Darkness
l2scripts: it is missing from Aden Chamberlain html and you can wear it...
Раздел: Archive Classic 09.09.2017, 16:38
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 6,656
Автор Siqma
Location for Siege NPCs (FIXED)

- 25721

- Classic 2.5

Gludio Siege for beginners :

1) coordinates needed for NPC Baron Lewin Waldner(ID 35064)
-18248 108360 -2576
Only when you kill him, you can start praying for the...
Раздел: Archive Classic 03.09.2017, 18:57
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 5,240
Автор Siqma
Daily Coin (NO BUG)


-Classic 2.5

- Daily Coins need to be added to High Priests in every town so people can use them to buy things...
Раздел: Archive Classic 03.09.2017, 18:45
Ответов: 14
Просмотров: 11,967
Автор Siqma
You didn't really fix 8) - Now you can equip...

You didn't really fix 8)
- Now you can equip both Cloaks of Light/Darkness even tho you have no castle
- Those Cloaks should only be available for the members of the clan who own Aden castle
Раздел: Archive Classic 30.08.2017, 22:49
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,146
Автор Siqma
Missing quests from Daily Mission (FIXED)

- 25721

- Classic 2.5

There are few missing quests that should be added:
1. Participate in siege
2. Enchant it!
3. Daily hunt for levels 1-76+
4. Weekly hunt for levels 1-76+
Раздел: Archive Classic 26.08.2017, 21:06
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 5,141
Автор Siqma
I confirm this, you have same problem when you...

I confirm this, you have same problem when you are rooted or when someone uses any immobility spell. It should be taken care of, when NPC roots you, you cant attack him but he can attack you
Раздел: Archive Classic 23.08.2017, 18:34
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 7,077
Автор Siqma
glow should look like this: ...

glow should look like this:
Раздел: Archive Classic 21.08.2017, 22:39
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 5,260
Автор Siqma
You did not request the latest update

You did not request the latest update
Раздел: Archive Classic 20.08.2017, 20:04
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 5,260
Автор Siqma
do you even read this forum? why did you make...

do you even read this forum? why did you make another topic if this is already reported?
Раздел: Archive Classic 15.08.2017, 22:30
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 4,846
Автор Siqma
All the items gained from Dimensional Gift are...

All the items gained from Dimensional Gift are not working
Раздел: Archive Classic 12.08.2017, 15:54
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 3,727
Автор Siqma
I confirm this

I confirm this
Раздел: Archive Classic 11.08.2017, 20:42
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 3,572
Автор Siqma
You can adjust respawn times yourself, useless...

You can adjust respawn times yourself, useless report.
Раздел: Archive Classic 07.08.2017, 00:16
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 3,180
Автор Siqma
This is a major problem for all parties who group...

This is a major problem for all parties who group exp with a tank.
As you can see, on this video if you attack a group of mobs with mass target spell,...
Раздел: Archive Classic 03.08.2017, 21:05
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 2,980
Автор Siqma
I have read in another topic that dev thinks it...

I have read in another topic that dev thinks it is some sort of bug, but it isn't.

On both official servers they have this feature, it is not a bug if you can replace old pet with the new one,...
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