[05:00:42] INFO =================================================
[05:00:42] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2s [12448]
[05:00:42] INFO Build Revision: .......... svn: E155036
[05:00:42] INFO Update: .................. Epic Tale of Aden: Ertheia
[05:00:42] INFO Build date: .............. 2014.08.18 16:43
[05:00:42] INFO Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_05-b13 (Oracle Corporation)
[05:00:42] INFO =================================================
Bug: Gamer can wear Baium ring/Tauti Ring/Blessed Antharas earring/Lindvior earring. These items Option are active but gamers cant see the icon of items. It means that these items are invisible (Infact, they are active)