1. Need to fix skills:
1344 Mass Warrior Bane
1345 Mass Mage Bane
1350 Warrior Bane
1351 Mage Bane
983 Patience - Not give P.atk
Infinity Bow - Special Ability ID 3593 not working slow on critical
2. Castle tax current max 5% - need to be 15%
3. On screen you can see Players looking for party, when I click on Level list will not sort by level.
4. Attached you can get fix for skills (retail):
Touch of Death 342
Steal divinity 1440
5. Olympiad - hero
First olympiad and only 1 kamael get hero, it must get class:
Soul Hound
And reward for hero weapon is bad, weapons have wroted bad stats (HeroItems.java) attached you can get it fixed.
Need fix!
Последний раз редактировалось Spidee; 03.11.2014 в 14:10.