[core] Ertheia - Critical Bug - Next target Bug (DUBLICATE)
1. [14:12:47] INFO ======================================== =========
[14:12:47] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2S [13617]
[14:12:47] INFO Build Revision: ....... 3808 ...
[14:12:47] INFO Update: .................. Epic Tale of Aden: Ertheia
[14:12:47] INFO Build date:. ............. 2014.11.25 12:12
[2:12:47 p.m.] INFO Compiler version: ........ 24.51-B03 (Oracle Corporation)
[twelve past two p.m.: 47] INFO =============================================== ==
2. When use Next Target button, it also target to summon pet and servitor.
And the button don't get target on other player enemy in war area also same with PK/PVP player
This is Critical Bug so please fix it urgent
Последний раз редактировалось nemchua; 25.12.2014 в 09:08.