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Старый 21.01.2015, 14:22   #1
Classic 2.5 + geo
Регистрация: 21.01.2014
Сообщений: 92
По умолчанию [core] Ertheia - Alchemy (Combination bug) (NOT BUG)

1. [14:12:47] INFO ======================================== =========
[14:12:47] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2S [13617]
[14:12:47] INFO Build Revision: ....... 3808 ...
[14:12:47] INFO Update: .................. Epic Tale of Aden: Ertheia
[14:12:47] INFO Build date:. ............. 2014.11.25 12:12
[2:12:47 p.m.] INFO Compiler version: ........ 24.51-B03 (Oracle Corporation)
[twelve past two p.m.: 47] INFO =============================================== ==

2. Bug: Combination in Alchemy tab - Ertheia Race - CAN NOT put item in the combination window.

 Combination
o All items that have value can be combined, but quest items cannot be registered.
o In the Combination window, a minimum of 1 item or a max of 3 items may be
o If you register 3 items in the Combination window, an additional Elcyum Crystal may be
added to affect bonus rewards.
o You can get Air Stones as basic rewards, and there's a chance you may get Tempest
o Air Stones and Tempest Stones are important ingredients for using Alchemy
o You can get double the amount of Air Stones at a set rate, apart from the basic and
special rewards that you can get from combining.
o When double-clicking on a Tempest Stone, you can get either a
Lower/Medium/Advanced Dye Box, or a Wind Talisman Pack.
Тип файла: jpg combin.jpg (36.2 Кб, 668 просмотров)

Последний раз редактировалось nemchua; 21.01.2015 в 14:52.
nemchua вне форума