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Старый 04.03.2015, 03:49   #1
Клиент Classic 1.0 + New GEO до 15 августа
Регистрация: 01.03.2015
Сообщений: 9
По умолчанию [core] Ertheia 14583 Critical/Important Bugs List (FIXED)

[12:53:56] INFO =================================================
[12:53:56] INFO Project Revision: ........ L2s [14583]
[12:53:56] INFO Build Revision: .......... ${build.revision}
[12:53:56] INFO Update: .................. Epic Tale of Aden: Ertheia
[12:53:56] INFO Build date: .............. 2015.02.13 20:06
[12:53:56] INFO Compiler version: ........ 24.75-b04 (Oracle Corporation)
[12:53:56] INFO =================================================

Hello! After a while of testing, i've came across to some bugs! We are working with High-rates (end-game) so i understand that this may be not your priority now but is very important to have these bugs fixed. I will simply report whats not working (all this list is filled with stuff that are not implemented or not working at all).


4. Pa'agrio Elemental Shirt was suppose to give 10s invincibility, it cast the skill but it doesnt make me invincible 10 seconds, no effect at all. try it

6. In TvT, Party should not work with enemy team...

7. In Last Hero, Party should not work at all!!!! What would happend if clans are going to assist eachother into killing other people?.

8. Ceremony of Chaos doesn't teleport anyone in arena... It says you will be teleported in 5,4,3,2,1 and nothing... "so i never had any chance to test this event"

Very soon, all grand bosses will be tested! if any instance doesn't work properly, it will be reported as Critical!

IMPORTANT BUGS, can be checked after criticals are fixed:
8. I cannot restore my hair appeareance? and i didnt found any way to restore back to my main appeareance, i dont have l2off information neither any clue how to restore the hair appearance by alternative methods. Is there any alternative method? or this is really a bug. I dont know, just check! Some players from other server says that once they change their appereance, they cant revert back.

9. This button doesnt dissappear untill i press ALT+B again and keeps giving me Scroll of after-life :

10. This button doesnt dissapear either. Even if i press ALT+B again it still remains here:

Not working 4th class skills:
11. Warped Space Lv.1: Creates a warped space where the enemy is trapped and their abilities are decreased
12. Thunder Spear Lv.4: Attacks near the enemy by throwing a spear with 32656 Power added to P.Atk. Stuns for 9 seconds. Requires a spear. Over-hit. Critical Hit. Ignores Shield Defense. Target cancel

No time to check all skills. Probably you've let the unimportant skills without a handler so all skills will be checked at Beta when more players will log and they will report to us.

13. I cannot enchant the attribute via admin panel, input have no effect for noone of the buttons there:

14. The inventory panel on admin panel where i can see players items is not done. I believe is packet problem! Because jewels from brooches and talismans wont show up!

NORMAL BUGS, can be fixed anytime ( no rush ) / we can also fix by our self within datapack if takes too much time for revision to update:
15. Dimensional Bracelet All stages 1-6 (not done / no handler)
16. Dimensional Bracelet Enhancement Stone (not done / no handler, can't be compounded either)

17. Appearance stones that should enable visual for outfits or weapons:
Anakim outfit / anakim appearance stone
dark assasin suit appearance stone
formal wear appearance stone
hellblade appearance stone appearance stone
butcher blades appearance stone
claw of destruction appearance stone
blades of delusion appearance stone
blood brother appearance stone
mardil's fan appearance stone
halloween outfit
cat fighter appearance stone
drake maul appearance stone
freya's staff appearance stone
spezion's claw appearance stone
maliss stormer appearance stone
steregos's dagger appearance stone
ron's dual blunt weappon appearance stone
darion's hellblade appearance stone
doll blader's butcher blades appearance stone
tiat's claw of destruction appearance stone
aenkinel's blades of delusion
yehan klanikus' blood brother appearance stone
mardil's fan appearance stone
PS: The outfits must be checked as well & swimsuits "most not work"

18. Aria's Bracelet: CON
Aria's Bracelet: MEN
Aria's Bracelet: DEX
Aria's Bracelet: WIT
Aria's Bracelet: STR
Aria's Bracelet: INT

19. Venir's Talisman stage 1 to 24 "all stages" / no stats / not done and cant be compounded either

20. Antharas Buster Top-grade: "Valakas Breath & Valakas Meteor..." should be, Antharas Breath & Antharas Tail Blow

21. Mass Airbind Lv4 (is one of latest skills for the raids). Not done / no handler
22. Mass Hold Lv4 (is one of latest skills for the raids). Not done / no handler

23. TvT: Announcements are bugged (When red team wins, it shows that Blue team wins and the opposite
24. TvT: The spawn on aerial cleft is bugged "the coordonate seems wrong".

Последний раз редактировалось Core; 31.03.2015 в 18:38.
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