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Старый 12.10.2015, 18:55   #1
Client Classic 1.5 + GEO to 1 September support
Регистрация: 12.08.2015
Сообщений: 244
По умолчанию Self destructive Raid Boss! (FIXED)

There was a party starting to kill the Raid Boss Flame Lord Shadar (lv 35)
Hes located at Fortress of Resistence

Using skill Madness (Orc Shaman), minions and raidboss start to kill theirselves. Raidboss kill a minion, and the minion respawns.
When the minion respawns, the minion CONTINUES hitting the raidboss AND the raidboss DONT HIT BACK.

1) Minion shouldn't continue hitting the raidboss.
2) In the case of doing so, raidboss should reply back.

This bug is happening in all raidbosses with minions.

This is a HUGE BUG , my server is x1 rates and the one that got the drop got 380k and 1xEAD

Rev. 5943

Последний раз редактировалось archonus; 12.10.2015 в 19:11.
archonus вне форума