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Старый 03.11.2017, 20:34   #1
Classic 2.5 + GEO
Аватар для TalkingIsland
Регистрация: 24.02.2017
Сообщений: 22
По умолчанию Item 8871 cannot be used[classic2.5] (FIXED)

[03.11.17 18:04:03:298] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================
[03.11.17 18:04:03:301] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Project Revision: ........ L2s [26360]
[03.11.17 18:04:03:301] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build Revision: .......... 11864
[03.11.17 18:04:03:301] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Update: .................. Classic: Saviors (Zaken)
[03.11.17 18:04:03:301] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Build date: .............. 2017.10.19 21:39
[03.11.17 18:04:03:302] INFO gameserver.GameServer: Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_151-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
[03.11.17 18:04:03:302] INFO gameserver.GameServer: =================================================

Item 8871 cannot be used[classic2.5]
When player level reaches level 20
Players can use it to build coalition forces
But there's no command now
could not be built

Последний раз редактировалось TalkingIsland; 03.11.2017 в 20:37.
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