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Старый 10.02.2013, 15:04   #1
Classic 2.7 + GEO
Регистрация: 05.11.2011
Сообщений: 509
По умолчанию [core] [Bug] Display Talisman (FIXED)

Hi, today i test with talisman in glory day have bug display color talisman :
- Talisman - Annihilation (id item 34986) with color yellow display in hand (now no color )
- Talisman - Hellfire (34987) with color red display in hand (now color yellow in hand)
- Talisman - Desire (34988) with color blue display in hand (now color red in hand)
- Talisman - Longing (34989) with color purple display in hand (now no color in hand)
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