Тема: Damage Text[CORE]
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Старый 30.05.2013, 08:06   #6
Client Classic 1.0 + GEO до 1 мая.
Регистрация: 21.03.2013
Сообщений: 303
По умолчанию

- Damage Done
L2script - Green
Asima - White

- Damage Received
L2Script - Green and Red (Both)
Asima - Only Red

- Hp regeneration (NOT HEAL, WITH HEAL IS OK)
L2Scripts - Green
Asima - Nothing

- CP regeneration (NOT HEAL, WITH HEAL IS OK)
L2Scripts - Green
Asima - Nothing

- MP Regeneration (NOT HEAL, WITH HEAL IS OK)
L2Scripts - Blue
Asima - Nothing
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