Тема: Resu in Sieges
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Старый 04.06.2013, 07:00   #2
Client Classic 1.0 + GEO до 1 мая.
Регистрация: 21.03.2013
Сообщений: 303
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I think the condition is inverted because when i try to resurrect a player that is attacking i receive a warning that is not possible.

2 - Bug that i think is the same problem.

Attackers or defenders that go to town after dying inside siege zone are moved to Hunters. ITS OK!!

Characters not involved in the siege and go to town after dying inside siege zone are moved to Aden. ITS WRONG!!

Последний раз редактировалось Balthis; 04.06.2013 в 07:06.
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