Bug report moved to the new portal: Mmore.club
Detailed info: L2-scripts.com
Skype: Urchika

Our portfolio of solved reports: High Five
Our portfolio of solved reports: GOD
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This forum is closed and open for viewing our work on bug reports for a long time. Thank you all !
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Старый 16.09.2014, 22:13   #1
Клиент High Five, поддержка до 5 октября.
Аватар для verdant
Регистрация: 11.09.2014
Сообщений: 6
По умолчанию a Problem please help

we have bought hi-5 client from l2-scripts.ru and we found a problem there please help here is the screens
Greater Ring of Baium and normal ring of baium has same stats also Greater Ring of Queen Ant and the normal ring of queen ant has the same stats need to fix please help. screens below.


Skype: Luka_933

Последний раз редактировалось verdant; 16.09.2014 в 22:18.
verdant вне форума  

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