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Старый 23.02.2012, 10:08   #1
Classic 2.7 + GEO
Регистрация: 05.11.2011
Сообщений: 509
По умолчанию [Bug] Some items and skills don't work - done


We try to use these items below but they are not working:
- 13855 Sacred Light Fragment (for using to raid Tiat)
- 15690 Secret Key (to open the door of secret room to play minigame in Monastery of Silence)
- 8961 - 8965 (D - to A-Grade Shadow Armor Set box)
- 9111 - 9127 (D - to A-Grade Shadow Armor Set box with Heavy, Light and Robe)

When I have Freya necklace, I try to talk with NPC 32020 to get Blessed Freya necklace, but this NPC doesn't answer.

These below skills don't work as I understand:
- Dodge Skill of dagger race lv79 (ID: 446)
- Wind Riding Skill of dagger race lv83 (ID: 769)

After a dagger use these skills, If I use skills without additional effects such as Double Shot, Multiple Shot, Lethal Shot to attack him, he can evade all. But if I use skill with additional effects such as Stun Shot, Arrow Rain, he will get both damage and effect.
Could you give me more information about these skills?


Последний раз редактировалось kenshin; 23.02.2012 в 11:06.
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