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Старый 15.12.2012, 03:47   #1
Клиент Glory days продлено до 1 февраля
Регистрация: 31.08.2012
Сообщений: 4
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Подмигивание Some Q

I have some questions regarding the H5 part5 pack, mainly about configurations and customization.

First thing wold be Teritory war.I was searching a config or line in the configs where I could make the terrytory wars start weekly but all I could find is this : "CastleValidationDate = 2;4;2003" . Can you tell me what values should I put in order to make it start every week? .
Secondly I wold like to know how can I crate a custom NPC (step by step if u can , Im slow)
My third question is regarding your vote reward system , I purchased it from you guys and I have been trying to make it work for the past 2 weeks now without any luck , today I was told that it only works on linux OS but the machine I purchased from a hosting company uses windows 2008. Before I purchased this pack froum you guys I was useing a l2jserver pack and I had a working (allso purchased) php based voting system but unfortunately it doesent work on this pack ( different table names and locations) and I was wondering if I could give this php script to you guys and u caould try to adapt it for your pack....
Last question is regarding a "statistics" system on my website , I am tring to make a stats page on my website and I tried to make some cripts for it but unsuccessfully , the main reason for this wold be the way the collums are arranged in the table..the collum names ..locations...I must mention that Im not rly good at this and I could use all the help you can provide.
Thanx for takeing your time to.
Regards 777.

Последний раз редактировалось ua3pilot; 15.12.2012 в 03:51.
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