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Старый 29.01.2013, 01:46   #1
Клиент Glory days продлено до 1 февраля
Регистрация: 31.08.2012
Сообщений: 4
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По умолчанию Bug report

-Mails some times dont work, transmitter can't see his sended mail and receiver can't see his new mail.
Clan mail dont work never, it say: 'You have a new mail' but nothing here.
-Subclass dont work, it asks you a quest that dont exist since Tauti.
-You can heal yourself during a combat ussing the buffer.
-Guillotine fortress' geodata is bad.
-Provisional Clan Hall Npc dont work.
-Option 'My Selected Items' from Clan Hall Auctioneer Npc give you error.
Court Magician NPC must give to clan members the 'Cloak of Light/Dark' and the Castle Chamberlain NPC should give to clan leader the 'Radiant Cloak of Light/Dark'. I think it is because this two NPC are both from a chronicle before Tauti
Racial Skill:

-Dark Elf -> Disparition
Must: Cancel all debuff. For 5 second speed +30 and you cannot be target.
Do: Speed +30 but you can be target.


Feoh Wizard:

-Death Breath
Must: Decrease the target's Hp by 537 per second for 15 seconds.
Do: Drecrease the target's Hp 3 or 4 times and I don't know how many.

-Shadow Snare
Must: Frags all enemies around my target continuously for some seconds.
Do: Nothing.

-Double Casting
Must: For 30 seconds you can cast, with all elemental stances, spells with both hands. Mp consumition -80% and magic skill cooldown -20%.
Do: Mp consumition -80% and magic skill cooldown -20%. Cast with all elemental stances but it don't spells with both hands.

-Death Siphon
Must: Drains target's life with 100 power per second for 10 second and absorb 100% of the damage.
Do: Drains targe's life after end the cast. (This is not important)

-Hell Binding
The animation is not ok and the reaction comand do not appears.

-Mass Hell Binding
Must: Lifts and holds the target and nearvy enemies into the air for 8 seconds and inflicts 100 damage per second.
Do: "Lifts" the enemy for less than 1 second in the air.


Iss Enchanter:

Must: Transform yourself into a stone for 15 second, eliminate nearvy enemies' aggression and keep them from targeting you.
DO: Transform yourself intoa stone for 15 second but it don't eliminate nothing and mobs/players can still target me.

Must: Transforms the target into a harmless creature and decrease its Speed.
Do: I cant use this skill.


Othell Roge:

-Clone Attak
Must: Summon 3 clones and this clones should attak the enemy like the othell.
Do: Summon 3 useless clones and this clones die with 1 hit.

-Poison Zone
Must: Spray poison around nearby targets for 15 seconds, drecreases p.atk, speed, shield def, p.def and m.def. Also inflicts poison.
Do: Only the skill, never debuff.

-Mass Trick
Must: Cancels the target of frontal enemies, eliminates their agresion and preent them from targetin anything for 3 seconds.
Do: Call all enemies arround me. ·_·

-Shadow Flash
Must: Move behind the enemy, cancels his target and inflicts Stun. Additionally, increases Critical Damage on the target.
Do: Move behind the enemy, inflict stun (but the enemy can move) and some times silence.


Sigel Knight:

-All skill work, maybe the cubic uses his skill at short intervals being the sigel invencible.


Yull Archer:

-Summon Thunder Hawk
Must: Summon a Thunder Hawk
Do: summon an invisible Thunder Hawk. It work good but you cant see it. (Maybe my textures.. but few days ago I could see it)


Tyrr Warrior:

-Infinity Strike
Must: Attack with 34.026Power added to P. Atk. Can be Over-hit. Allways do critical.
Do: Nothing, only skill animation.

-Rolling Thunder
Must: Continuosly frecreases HP of nearby enemies. When used, the user's MP is continuously drecreased.
Do: Only spends soulshot and, although skill would work, it really dont spend any soulshot.


Wynn Summoner:

-Dimensional Binding
Must: Raises the target in the air, like Hell Binding.
Do: 'Hold' the enemy but the animation is not ok and the reaction comand do not appears.


Aeore Healer:

-Dark Blast
Must: Inflicts damage on the target with 154 power.
Do: A ridicusly damage, 800 without jewels.

-Erase Impact
Must: Banishes the enemy's servitor into another dimension.
Do: Never work.

-Party Resurrection
Must:Resurrects all dead party members and nearby clan memberes and restores 100% of the XP lost.
Do: Only resurrects party members.

-Lakcis Disc
Must: Heal nearby allies and damage nearby enemies. Continuously consumes MP.
Do: Only animation, it dont heal or cause damage, only consumes blesseds.

blessed Valakas Necklace and blessed Anthras earring not correct status ( No p.def add and it is not in blue writting ( also NPC to exchange it Not working

siwtch between english htmls and russian htmls in configs give error the quest htmls in english html folder have the wrong names and cant be called
ua3pilot вне форума  
Старый 29.01.2013, 02:00   #2
Клиент Glory days продлено до 1 февраля
Регистрация: 31.08.2012
Сообщений: 4
Отправить сообщение для ua3pilot с помощью Skype™
По умолчанию

Raid Boss Houpon the Warden Overseer wrong startus respon in 1 min + 0 droplist
ua3pilot вне форума  
Старый 01.02.2013, 21:08   #3
Главный программист
Регистрация: 18.01.2011
Сообщений: 4,429
По умолчанию

Everything fixed, thanks for the good report, keep it up!
Внимание: с 1 мая 2015 г. скайп технической поддержки будет: L2-scripts
старый скайп тех поддержки обслуживаться не будет !
iqman вне форума  
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