L2-scripts Форум

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-   -   Error Lv 40 - 45 Kekropus Letter (FIXED) (http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=8356)

Cristobal 22.01.2018 05:22

Error Lv 40 - 45 Kekropus Letter (FIXED)
Does not deliver the Quest term item. In addition to displaying several HTML in Russian.

IMG: http://prntscr.com/i3pno4

Datapack 22.01.2018 23:05

"Does not deliver the Quest term item" dont understand???

Cristobal 23.01.2018 00:20


Сообщение от Datapack (Сообщение 25210)
"Does not deliver the Quest term item" dont understand???

The quest does not end and it does not give the final reward.

Datapack 23.01.2018 00:57

in what race?

Cristobal 23.01.2018 01:06


Сообщение от Datapack (Сообщение 25213)
in what race?

Delf Misc lvl 42

Datapack 23.01.2018 03:40

fixed .

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