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maxsyt 16.04.2018 20:28

Siege (FIXED)
Project Revision: ........ L2s [26529]
Build Revision: .......... 13058
Update: .................. Classic: Saviors
Build date: .............. 2018.04.10 21:31
Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_161-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
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When we mark the siege in tests, we can use all the resources, summon the Golem, crystal, etc. When the siege happens at the server's scheduled time, 20hrs, Sunday, you can not do anything in any castle, the skills do not work, etc.
I tried to understand but I can not without your help, we can even schedule sieges with your team, but so far I have not been able to make it work.
The clans usually register in several castles, but when using the skills they say that they are not in siege zone, or that it does not fulfill the requisites.


This was from a player yesterday.

Any suggestions?

Core 02.05.2018 00:24

Fixed. Closed.

Часовой пояс GMT +4, время: 15:23.

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