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Старый 30.11.2014, 22:51   #1
Спонсор Арены
Аватар для Scorpius
Регистрация: 14.06.2013
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По умолчанию [core] Воля_Воина 758 (FIXED)


<skill id="758" levels="1" name="Fighter's Will">
Attack power and Atk. Spd. are increased when using a short-range weapon. There is also a chance that the physical skill's power and Critical Rate may be increased.
<set name="magicLevel" value="81"/>
<set name="icon" value="icon.skill0758"/>
<set name="operateType" value="OP_PASSIVE"/>
<trigger id="5559" level="1" type="ATTACK" chance="3">
<using kind="Sword, Blunt, Dagger, Big Blunt, Pole, Fist, Dual Sword, Dual Blunt, Dual Fist, Big Sword, Rapier, Ancient Sword, Dual Dagger"/>
<add order="0x60" stat="pAtk" value="100">
<using kind="Sword, Blunt, Dagger, Big Blunt, Pole, Fist, Dual Sword, Dual Blunt, Dual Fist, Big Sword, Rapier, Ancient Sword, Dual Dagger"/>
<mul order="0x50" stat="pAtkSpd" value="1.1">
<using kind="Sword, Blunt, Dagger, Big Blunt, Pole, Fist, Dual Sword, Dual Blunt, Dual Fist, Big Sword, Rapier, Ancient Sword, Dual Dagger"/>
Добавил Dual Blunt
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