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This forum is closed and open for viewing our work on bug reports for a long time. Thank you all !
Старый 04.05.2014, 18:01   #1
L2-scripts клиент Classic 1.5 + ГЕО до 1 июля
Аватар для boulanger
Регистрация: 23.09.2013
Сообщений: 437
По умолчанию [CORE] SIEGE bug, attackers cant attack eachother

Lindvior 11130 build april 31

attackers at siege cannot attack other attackers... big bug.


when i tried to attack the other attackers, i got system message saying " like you cant force attack members of the same alliance" but they were not on my alliance, no relationship at all. siege sides got fuked in update, plz fix asap.

Attackers: characters fighting to take the castle from the Defenders.
Defenders: characters fighting to defend the castle from Attackers.
Unlisted: characters that have not registered to participate in the siege but that enter the battlefield. If Unlisted characters die on the battlefield they lose XP as normal.
Friendly Forces: any characters that are on the same side (Attackers or Defenders). Also, a clan’s allied clans (sharing an Alliance) are on the same side and see each other as Friendly Forces.
Friendly Forces characters can only be attacked by using the Ctrl key.
Enemies: any characters that are on the opposing side from you and your clan or Alliance clan.
Enemy characters can be attacked without using the Ctrl key.
No Relationship: Clans that are on the same side (Attackers or Defenders) but do not share an Alliance are categorized as No Relationship. For example, if two clans are competing to take over the same castle, they do not see each other as Enemies because they are both on the attacking side. Also, Unlisted characters (that are not registered for siege battle but that enter the battlefield area) are seen as No Relationship.
No Relationship characters can be attacked without using the Ctrl key.


Последний раз редактировалось boulanger; 04.05.2014 в 18:08.
boulanger вне форума  
Старый 08.10.2014, 02:55   #2
Главный программист
Регистрация: 18.01.2011
Сообщений: 4,429
По умолчанию

Пора бы с этим что-то сделать, атакеры не могут ударять других атакеров на осаде, говорит что если между ними никаких отношений нет, их можно бить и убивать.
Внимание: с 1 мая 2015 г. скайп технической поддержки будет: L2-scripts
старый скайп тех поддержки обслуживаться не будет !
iqman вне форума  
Старый 21.10.2014, 05:32   #3
Главный программист
Регистрация: 18.01.2011
Сообщений: 4,429
По умолчанию

Closed, found explanation about that, PM if want the retail feature explanation.
Внимание: с 1 мая 2015 г. скайп технической поддержки будет: L2-scripts
старый скайп тех поддержки обслуживаться не будет !
iqman вне форума  
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