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Старый 03.02.2015, 18:20   #1
Клиент Lindvior, поддержка до 1 марта
Регистрация: 03.02.2015
Сообщений: 21
По умолчанию [Lindvior]Hi wand to report some thinghave to fix

Hi to all l2scripts team ,i wand to report few more things need to fix.

1)when you make SOE from Kamael Teritory to go to Kamaels village it teleport you to a clif and all the time char falling down and he cant unstack from there.

2)The skill who call Mentor to you << Mentee's Mentor Summon>> Dont work.

3)When you hit a Mob (any mob any lvl) and you hit it with critical mob doing UD and players need 2-3 min to kill it.. (i search on mobs id and they dont have UD skill)..

4)The items from drops are from old chronicles Corroded materials
bowns-ston of purity etc and have to drop lvl1-lvl2-lvl3 materials like off.

5)Mentor skills are not on subs class.

6)On sub class quests you have to go with foot everywhere and have to give you scrolls or teleport you direct there.

7)Raidboss should not debuff the new buffs the melodys, on Official they cancel only old buffs,the new buffs don't get canceled

8)The adventure helper on Cludio dos not has option to get buffs

9)All the adventure helper language are on Russian (i have tern it to en,but nothing change)

10)When a mentee die he lose all bufs and he has to rr the game to get mentors buff again.

11)quest with the hidden book and thiefs inside museum ,,stack and dont stop sent to the char pm's

12)Xp runs don't work on game

13)Admin panel is not complete http://gyazo.com/b32d1330d4a35186b23385bacc8d0485

14)Harnak don't work at all..
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Старый 15.02.2015, 14:25   #2
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Техническая поддержка L2-Scripts
Внимание: с 1 мая 2015 г. скайп технической поддержки будет: L2-scripts
старый скайп тех поддержки обслуживаться не будет !
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